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Position : Home>>Statistics>>Analysis of New Energy Sanitation Vehicles in the First Half of 2024

Analysis of New Energy Sanitation Vehicles in the First Half of 2024

Date:2024-08-09 Author:Sissi

According to terminal registration data, 523 new energy sanitation vehicles were sold in June 2024, down 21.6% from the previous month (667 new energy sanitation vehicles were sold in May) and up 28.5% from the previous year (407 new energy sanitation vehicles were sold in June last year); from January to June 2024, a total of 3,257 new energy sanitation vehicles were sold, a cumulative year-on-year increase of 32%; so far, the market penetration rate of new energy sanitation vehicles in the first half of 2024 is 8.8%, an increase of 2.7 percentage points from the same period last year.
So what are the main characteristics of the new energy sanitation vehicle market in the first half of 2025? Here is a brief analysis.
1. June increased by nearly 30% year-on-year and decreased by more than 20% month-on-month
According to terminal registration data, 523 new energy sanitation vehicles were sold in June 2024, up nearly 30% (28.5%) from 407 in June 2023, and down more than 20% (-21.6%) from 667 in May this year.
-In June this year, new energy sanitation vehicles increased by 28.5% year-on-year. According to analysis, this is mainly due to the withdrawal of new energy vehicle purchase subsidies in the same period last year, resulting in a low sales base, which led to a year-on-year increase in June this year.
---In June this year, new energy sanitation vehicles decreased month-on-month. According to analysis, the main reason is that the sales base in May this year was high (667 vehicles), and June is the off-season market, so June decreased month-on-month.
2. June and January-June both outperformed the sanitation vehicle market year-on-year
Table 1, based on terminal registration data, the year-on-year growth rate of new energy sanitation vehicles in June this year and January-June compared with the sanitation vehicle market:

As shown in the table above:
--- In June this year, the sales volume of new energy sanitation vehicles increased by 28.5% year-on-year, which was nearly 49.8 percentage points higher than the growth rate of -21.3% of the sanitation vehicle market in June this year;
--- From January to June this year, the cumulative year-on-year growth of new energy sanitation vehicles was 32%, which was nearly 40.2 percentage points higher than the growth rate of -8.2% of the sanitation vehicle market in January to June this year.
In short, whether in June this year or from January to June, the year-on-year growth rate of new energy sanitation vehicles outperformed the sanitation vehicle market.
According to the survey and analysis, the main reasons are:
First, it benefited from the support of national and local policies.
Since the beginning of this year, the state has intensively issued favorable policies to support the development of new energy vehicles, which has been beneficial to the growth of new energy sanitation vehicles since this year.
Second, the fiscal and economic deficits in many places have reduced the purchase plan of traditional sanitation vehicles.
Due to the current economic environment, fiscal deficits have appeared in many places across the country. In order to reduce the development, some places have reduced the purchase plan of traditional sanitation vehicles purchased by local finances, and the reduction is greater than the purchase plan of new energy sanitation vehicles.
3. Sales volume in each month from January to June showed a "six-consecutive increase" year-on-year
Table 2, based on terminal registration data, sales volume of new energy sanitation vehicles in each month from January to June 2023 and year-on-year growth:

The above chart shows the sales volume and year-on-year growth of new energy sanitation vehicles in each month from January to June 2024:
----In the year-on-year growth of sales volume in each month from January to June, the sales volume of each month increased year-on-year, which has performed 6 consecutive increases, thus becoming a highlight of the new energy sanitation vehicle market in the first half of this year.
According to analysis, it is mainly due to the support of the state's intensive introduction of policies to support the development of new energy vehicles since this year, coupled with the low sales base in the same period last year, which has led to 6 consecutive year-on-year growth in the sales volume of new energy sanitation vehicles in the first half of this year.
IV. The market penetration rate of new energy sanitation vehicles in the first half of the year increased by 2.7 percentage points year-on-year, setting a new record
1. The penetration rate of new energy sanitation vehicles in the first half of 2024 was 8.8%, an increase of 2.7 percentage points year-on-year.
According to the terminal registration data, a total of 3,257 new energy sanitation vehicles were sold from January to June 2024; and the overall sales volume of sanitation vehicles from January to June 2024 was 37,200 vehicles. Therefore, the market penetration rate of new energy sanitation vehicles from January to June 2024 was 8.8%, an increase of 2.7 percentage points from the penetration rate of 6.1% in the same period last year.
Table 3, Penetration rate and year-on-year changes of new energy sanitation vehicles from January to June 2024 (data source: terminal registration)

According to the survey and analysis, it is mainly due to the continuous efforts of the "dual carbon" strategy and the continuous empowerment of policies.
First, the continuous efforts of the dual carbon strategy have led to a year-on-year increase in new energy sanitation vehicles from January to June this year (32%), while the overall market of sanitation vehicles from January to June this year has declined (-8.2%). This "one increase and one decrease" has increased the market penetration rate of new energy sanitation vehicles from January to June this year;
Second, it has benefited from the recent introduction of various policies by the state and various regions to encourage and support the acceleration of public-sector electrification of vehicles including sanitation vehicles. For example, Hainan Province requires that the proportion of new replacements and use of clean energy in the public service sector and social operation sector reach 100% by 2025, and Henan Province requires that all new buses and municipal sanitation vehicles use new energy vehicles. These policies have undoubtedly accelerated the electrification process of the sanitation vehicle market from January to June this year.
2. The penetration rate of new energy sanitation vehicles in the first half of 2024 hit a record high
According to terminal registration data, the market penetration rate of new energy sanitation vehicles in my country in the past five years is statistically:

As can be seen from the above figure, the market penetration rate of new energy sanitation vehicles in the first half of this year was 8.8%, a record high in the past five years. Since the sales of new energy sanitation vehicles were very small before 2020, the market penetration rate was almost negligible. Therefore, it can be concluded that the market penetration rate of new energy sanitation vehicles in the first half of this year has reached a record high.
5. Pure electric vehicles lead the way
Table 4, based on terminal registration data, divided by technical routes, the year-on-year sales, proportion and year-on-year increase or decrease of various types of new energy sanitation vehicles from January to June 2024:
The above table shows: In the year-on-year sales and proportion of various new energy sanitation vehicles from January to June 2024:
1. From the year-on-year sales:
---A total of 3,007 pure electric sanitation vehicles were sold, a year-on-year increase of 44.6%, outperforming and leading the new energy sanitation vehicle market from January to June this year;
---A total of 190 hybrid vehicles were sold, a year-on-year decrease of 38.5%, outperforming and leading the decline of the new energy sanitation vehicle market from January to June this year;
---A total of 60 fuel cell sanitation vehicles were sold, a year-on-year decrease of 26.8%, underperforming the new energy sanitation vehicle market from January to June this year.
2. From the market share:
Pure electric sanitation vehicles accounted for 92.3%, which was in an absolute dominant position; hybrid models accounted for 5.8%, ranking second; fuel cells accounted for 1.9%, the smallest.
In short, among the various technical route models of new energy sanitation vehicles from January to June this year, pure electric models led the rise.
VI. In the cumulative sales from January to June, Yingfeng Environment, Yutong Heavy Industry, and Fujian Longma ranked TOP3; Yutong's share increased the most year-on-year, and its performance was eye-catching
According to the terminal registration data, in the competitive landscape of the new energy sanitation vehicle market from January to June 2023:
----Yingfeng Environment sold a total of 916 vehicles, ranking first in the industry, with a cumulative year-on-year growth of 47.98%, leading the industry, with a market share of 37.09%, an increase of 7.81 percentage points year-on-year, and is the car company with the largest increase in market share in the industry, with outstanding performance;
----Yutong Heavy Industry sold a total of 400 vehicles, a year-on-year decline of 32.77%, underperforming the market, with a market share of 16.19%, ranking second; and its share decreased by 12.57 percentage points year-on-year, which is the car company with the largest year-on-year decrease in the industry;
----Fujian Xinlongma Automobile sold a total of 183 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 52.5%, outperforming the market; the market share was 7.41%, ranking third, and the share increased by 0.24 percentage points year-on-year.
Table 5, Year-on-year sales, share and year-on-year change of the top 6 new energy sanitation vehicles from January to June 2024 (data source: terminal registration data)
As can be seen from the above chart, in the sales of new energy sanitation vehicles from January to June this year, Yingfeng Environment, Yutong Heavy Industry, and Fujian Longma ranked the top three; In the first six months of this year, in the competition pattern of the new energy sanitation vehicle market, Yingfeng Environment led the way, but its market share decreased the most year-on-year; Yutong's share increased by 5.31 percentage points year-on-year, making it the car company with the largest year-on-year increase in share, and its performance was eye-catching. 

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