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The Lightest Self-Weight Record of a 13-Meter-Long Semi-Trailer is Released!

Date:2024-07-22 Author:Sissi

On July 20, 2024, the eyes of the special vehicle industry gathered in Mengyin, Shandong, and witnessed a unique event - the "Extreme Challenge of SHODAILER 4.86-ton Ultra-light Coal King Launch Conference" was held here.
At the meeting, the China Commercial Vehicle Performance Extreme Challenge (CCVC) Organizing Committee officially issued a certificate of successful challenge to Shandong SHODAILER Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SHODAILER Automobile).
All-round and long-term verification
In June, SHODAILER Automobile's "Ultra-light Coal King" participated in the "13-meter Warehouse Semi-trailer Weight Extreme Challenge" in the China Commercial Vehicle Performance Extreme Challenge.
This "Ultra-light Coal King" is SHODAILER Automobile's fourth-generation new national standard semi-trailer, a straight beam double-door lightweight model tailored for the coal hauling market. Compared with the third-generation model launched in 2021, this fourth-generation coal hauler has significantly improved its self-weight, safety and anti-tire performance, and has achieved a new upgrade in four core areas such as beams, floor, air suspension and axles.

In the 13-meter warehouse semi-trailer market, the industry's general deadweight range is about 5.8 to 6.2 tons. The target value set for this "13-meter warehouse semi-trailer deadweight extreme challenge" is 4.9 tons.
In the next half a month, the "Ultra-light Coal King" simulated the actual working scene of coal transportation under the condition of a full load of 40 tons, crossed typical road conditions such as highways and national highways, and experienced the test of various extreme performance roads such as neat stone roads, Belgian stone roads, washboard roads, twisted roads, cobblestone roads, fish scale pit roads, and gravel roads. The safety and reliability of the "Ultra-light Coal King" were fully and long-term verified.

13m warehouse semi-trailer has the lightest deadweight!
In the end, SHODAILER Automobile's 13m warehouse semi-trailer ("Super Light Coal King") carried out road tests to verify vehicle reliability in accordance with CCVC-JSGF-C0001 "Semi-trailer Road Reliability Test Procedure". After review by the China Commercial Vehicle Performance Extreme Challenge Organizing Committee, SHODAILER Automobile's 13m warehouse semi-trailer's final challenge result was 4860 kg, and it passed the road test to verify vehicle reliability, including 900 kilometers of reinforced roads, 900 kilometers of expressways, and 1200 kilometers of national highways.

The China Commercial Vehicle Performance Extreme Challenge Organizing Committee announced on site that SHODAILER Automobile's 13-meter warehouse fence semi-trailer successfully challenged the "13-meter warehouse fence semi-trailer deadweight extreme challenge" project!
On site, the China Commercial Vehicle Performance Extreme Challenge Organizing Committee issued the "China Commercial Vehicle Performance Extreme Challenge Certificate" to Gao Feng, Chairman of SHODAILER Automobile. This means that SHODAILER Automobile's performance is the lightest deadweight 13-meter warehouse fence semi-trailer in the best design category of the current CCVC database!

Amidst warm applause and cheers, Gao Feng received the "China Commercial Vehicle Performance Extreme Challenge Certificate". This is not just a certificate, but also a recognition of SHODAILER Automobile's technical strength and innovation capabilities.
Setting a new benchmark for the semi-trailer industry
In today's low freight rates and high costs, choosing a lightweight semi-trailer has become a general trend. A lightweight body means that more goods can be pulled per trip, thereby increasing revenue. SHODAILER Automobile hopes to bring a more profitable product to truck drivers through this "ultra-light coal king".

"Since the preparation of the "Ultra-light Coal King" project, Shouda has set the goal of making the lightest cargo truck on the market." Gao Feng said at the press conference, "After two years of hard work, we have launched a new generation of coal trucks, hoping to bring a more profitable product to truck drivers in an era of low freight rates."
After participating in the "13-meter cargo truck semi-trailer weight extreme challenge" project in the China Commercial Vehicle Performance Extreme Challenge, Shouda Automobile's "Ultra-light Coal King" not only passed the extreme challenge with outstanding results, but also set a new benchmark for the semi-trailer industry with its innovative technology and outstanding performance.
As Gao Feng said: "In the current rapidly developing Internet era, in the increasingly difficult semi-trailer industry, Shouda Automobile is willing to shoulder the responsibility and contribute its own strength to the high-quality development of the semi-trailer industry!"

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