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Sales of Fire Truck Takes over 40% in Handler
Date:2014-04-24 Source:www.chinaspv.com
www.chinaspv.com: Recently Handler released their sales report in 2013, and their sales revenues were 399 million RMB, up 30.35% over that in 2012, and their sales revenues for fire trucks were 166 million RMB, and the net profits were 5.56 million RMB, down 77.63% over last year.
The decreasing profits can be attributed to the changing progress on investment in electricity industry, shrinking markets for hydraulic aerial cage and power supply cars, so that the output cannot be released and operation fees are high, explained Handler. The profits of fire trucks and military products are not so ideal although the sales are increasing.
It is learned that Handler is building the fire truck production base in Songjiang District in Shanghai for over 5.34 hectare. It will take two years with total investment of 260 million RMB to finish the base. Views:2794